
What We Can Do for You


ABA Therapy

MKE Behavioral offers both focused and comprehensive treatment models. We work with age ranges from 2-25. Below is a explanation of how the different models target treatment goals:

  • Comprehensive Treatment: This treatment model addresses multiple targets across all developmental domains that are affected by the individual’s behavioral needs. Additionally, behavior needing reduction can be addressed through this treatment model. These programs tend to range from 26-40 hours of direct treatment plus supervision per week. Typically, comprehensive treatment is most important at the start of a child's ABA treatment journey.
  • Focused Treatment: This treatment model addresses a more narrowed range of skill deficits and behavior reduction goals. These programs tend to range from 10-25 hours of direct treatment plus supervision per week. It is important to note that focused treatment is not restricted by age, cognitive level, or occurring conditions.

When your child receives ABA Therapy with MKE Behavioral, all caregivers are required to participate in weekly Family Treatment Guidance meetings. This ensures generalization of skills targeted for increase and consistency for addressing behaviors targeted for decrease.


School Consultation

MKE Behavioral offers school consultation for teachers, administrators, and parents who are looking for behavioral support for individual students, classrooms,  and/or staff training. School consultation services include, but are not limited to the following: 

  • Classwide positive behavior intervention systems
  • Individualized Behavior Intervention Plans
  • Individual student consultation and teacher collaboration
  • Support in IEP meetings
  • Collaboration between home and school to bridge intervention modalities 
  • Paraprofessional and teacher trainings

Parent Training & Coaching 

While Parent Training and coaching is required of MKE Behavioral's ABA treatment model, we do offer a consultative model for caregivers who are seeking extra support. It is also available for any caregivers who are looking to learn more about Applied Behavior Analysis and how it relates to their child's behavior. Typical areas supported through Parent Training:

  • Behavior Reduction and Management
  • Increasing Independence with daily living skills
  • General Overview of ABA
  • Increasing Tolerance related to sensory defensiveness 

Behavior Consult & Training

MKE Behavioral offers community based support for others needing behavioral supports in various settings. This can include: residential facilities, group homes, adult day programs, daycares, private/public schools or vocational placements. We can support in the following areas:

  • Daily Living Skills training
  • Social Skills
  • Behavior Reduction
  • Caregiver or Staff Trainings


MKE Behavioral works with Medicaid, Humana, Aetna, United Healthcare and private pay only at the moment. However, we are working on getting approved with other major insurance companies.